Town Manager Rafael Casals announced the Second Budget Workshop scheduled for Wednesday, July 27, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. and the Third Budget Workshop scheduled for September 1, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
Town Manager Casals reported on the Town's property values increasing 11.85%, a surplus of $5.6 Million for Fiscal year 2020-2021, the ongoing audit of the Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget, and the Town benefits from the past two increases in millage rates.
Town Manager Casals provided information on items and projects proposed for the Fiscal Year 2022-23 budget in General Government, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works.
There was discussion on a Software Efficiency Review by Miami-Dade County IT identifying departmental software needs in preparation to put out to bid the Town's operating software using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the expense, healthcare benefits for part-time employees, the potential of hiring consultant to aid in the Town's video production, publication and mailing of an annual year in review, retrofitting the Bel Aire and Lakes by the Bay Parks' lighting using ARPA funds, state appropriations for the Active Adults Program and the Town-owned 8.5 acres designated as a park, Lakes by the Bay Park playground upgrades, installation of perimeter fencing at Saga Bay Park, continuing development of the Stormwater Master Plan, town-wide sidewalk improvements projects and the planning phases for the Bel Aire using ARPA funds, Lakes by the Bay, Saga Bay and Cutler Ridge Pines sub basins, roadway resurfacing, sidewalk and drainage improvement projects, Franjo Rd. complete streets project, roadway improvements to Caribbean Blvd., a perimeter sidewalk at Lincoln City Park, various traffic-calming projects on SW 212th St. and Lenaire Dr., general improvements to the Whispering Pines neighborhood, construction completion of the Saga Bay 1.5 sub basin, commencement of the design phase for complete streets for Marlin Rd. funded by state appropriations and a Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) grant, the canal bank restoration project, a second municipal circulator, and increasing availability of the on demand Go-Connect transportation service.
Town Manager Casals also reported on the potential of funding to help fix the Bel Aire Park building which has been deemed unsafe, the Cutler Ridge Pool Assessment nearing completion, the final stages of the Site Assessment Report for the 16-acre legacy park and municipal complex brownfield site and applying for additional grants to aid in funding projects.