Town Manager Rafael Casals provided a summary of the Budget Visioning Workshop on July 20, 2022. He also spoke on Resolution No. 22-63 adopted at the July 20, 2022, Regular Town Council Meeting which set a ceiling millage rate of 2.9388 and set the dates and times for the first and second Budget Hearings, September 14, 2022, and September 28, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
Town Manager Casals announced the Third Budget Workshop scheduled for September 1, 2022, at 6:00 p.m.
Finance Director Robert Daddario provided an overview of the proposed fiscal year 2022-23 budget revenues, including ad valorem revenues based on certified taxable property values in the Town as reported by the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser, state allocated revenues such as utility taxes, local government half-cent sales tax, communications services tax, revenue sharing and first local option gas tax, electrical franchise fees, solid waste franchise fees, licenses and registrations, revenues generated by the Town's Building Department, park fees, judgements and fines, miscellaneous revenues, grants, investment income, and transfers in from special revenues.
Town Manager Casals provided a summary of each departmental operating budget including Mayor and Town Council, Town Clerk, General Government, Town Attorney, Community Development, Public Works, Police Department, and Parks and Recreation. There was discussion on allocating funds towards recommendations made to the Town Council by the Environmental Task Force, the increase in the budget for the police department, the benefit of having an environmental lobbyist, Town Attorney retainer and hourly fees, and the Cutler Ridge Park pool.