Town Clerk Melinu read the titles of Resolutions 11A and 11B.
Finance Director Robert Daddario read the Truth in Millage (TRIM) Statement as follows:
The proposed millage rate of the Town of Cutler Bay for FY 2022-23 of 2.9388 mils per $1,000 of assessed property value within the Town of Cutler Bay is 16.74% greater than the rolled-back rate of 2.5173 mils per $1,000 of assessed property value.
Ad valorem taxes are being increased primarily to help provide for operating expenditures required to maintain current levels of resident services, including police services, reflecting the increases in those costs due to current economic conditions and inflationary trends that are anticipated to continue in the upcoming fiscal year and, for police services, reflecting negotiated union contract costs.
Town Manager Casals explained that residents had trim notices mailed to their houses with the proposed 2.9388 ceiling millage, and that the First Budget Hearing Meeting information had been posted on the town website, along with a short video for social media.
Town Attorney Bierman reminded the Town Council that the process under Florida Law required the adoption of the millage rate first, then the adoption of the Town Budget. He also explained that with both Resolutions 11A and 11B having been read into the record, the Public Hearing for both items could be opened, followed by separate votes being taken on the millage followed by the budget.
There was discussion on specifically earmarking $10,000.00 in the Town's Budget for the Economic Development Council. After discussion, there was Town Council Consensus to do so.
Mayor Meerbott opened the Public Hearing.
There being no one wishing to speak in person or virtually, Mayor Meerbott closed the Public Hearing.
A motion was made by Council Member Roger Coriat, seconded by Council Member Suzy Lord to approve the item.
Finance Director Daddario read the revised Truth in Millage (TRIM) Statement with the new millage rate as follows:
The proposed millage rate of the Town of Cutler Bay for FY 2022-23 of 2.8332 mils per $1,000 of assessed property value within the Town of Cutler Bay is 12.55% greater than the rolled-back rate of 2.5173 mils per $1,000 of assessed property value.
Council Member Coriat made a revised motion, seconded by Council Member Lord, to approve the item with the revised millage rate of 2.8332.
There was a roll call vote, and the motion passed unanimously.